Volunteering in the jail
Thank you for your interest in serving in the jail. There are opportunities to serve in the jail with your faith community. The best way to get started is to read through the jail rules and fill out this application. The chaplain will contact you and invite you to the next new volunteer training. The training is the best introduction to serving in the jail. Because of the nature of this ministry, you can decide at anytime not to serve.
Volunteering in the jail does require a background check and endorsement by your faith community leader. Volunteers serving in the jail, serve only if approved by Jail Administration.
Volunteers in the jail serve in pairs. It is best to look for someone from your faith community to serve with you.
Call the chaplain at 608-785-9772 or email atChaplain@lacrossejailministry.org if you have any questions or need a printed copy of the application.
Circles of Support
Volunteers provide community support to someone recently released from prison or jail (core member) working to achieve successful transition from incarceration. Click here for more information.
Board Members
If you are interested in serving on the La Crosse Jail Ministry Board that oversees the chaplain and the ministry then fill out the following application and return it to our chaplain. The chaplain will provide it to the current board that will review your application and contact you.
Jail Ministry Board Application
Our By-Laws are available on the About Us page; please read these to learn more about the Board and how it functions.
You need to print out the volunteer form, fill it out, and send it to:
La Crosse Jail Chaplain
333 Vine St.
La Crosse WI 54601
Any questions, please call the chaplain at 608-785-9772 or email president@lacrossejailministry.org