Support & Donate
Our Mission:
La Crosse Jail Ministry offers residents and former residents of the jail spiritual direction, rehabilitative support, and connections to faith communities.

Donate Money
Donate by Check:
La Crosse Jail Ministry, Inc.
Post Office Box 2675
La Crosse, WI 54602-2675
Donate via Credit or Debit Card:
- Inmates, their families, their friends and their victims need prayers for healing, wisdom, guidance, freedom from addictions, change and health.
- Jail staff, jail ministry board members, Circles of Support volunteers and the chaplain: prayers for wisdom, guidance, health, safety and faithfulness.
- La Crosse Jail Ministry needs prayers for support, donations and awareness.
Provide Supplies
Items needed can be purchased and sent directly to the jail: Jail Ministry, 333 Vine Street, La Crosse, WI 54601
- We have a gift list on Amazon of needed items. The list includes spiritual books, sweatpants, games, and supplies to hand out.
- We could also use these specific stamped envelopes purchased through the United States Postal Service (USPS).
Used or New Items Needed:
- Recent magazines – all types
- Paperback Books – spiritual, fiction and nonfiction (no Harlequin romance or hardcover)
- Books written by black authors
- Books in Spanish or written by Hispanic or Latino authors
- Books in Hmong, or written by Hmong authors
- Puzzles (cardboard only in a cardboard box and no plastic baggies)
- Sweatpants, t-shirts, and sweatshirts for men in all sizes (can be second hand but must be clean)
- Backpacks (can be secondhand)
- Jackets and coats for all seasons in all sizes (can be second hand but must be clean)
- Boots or tennis shoes in all sizes (can be second hand but must be clean)
- Warm socks and clean underwear
We have two drop off locations:
- Coulee Life Church in Onalaska (N5761 County Rd SN next to Sand Lake Elementary). There is a bench inside the first set of doors and donations can be dropped there during the week from 9 to 6. In the event the doors are locked, please email or call 608-783-4770.
- English Lutheran Church (1509 King Street, La Crosse).
Opportunities to Learn More
If you and/or your faith community would like to learn more about jail ministry, we offer the following options:
- Newsletters - email the chaplain your address to be added to our mailing list.
- View our Video "Introduction to La Crosse Jail Ministry" on YouTube.
- View our Video "La Crosse Jail Ministry – Second Chances" on YouTube for testimonies from former inmates.
- View our Video "Circles of Support" on YouTube to learn about our mentoring program.
- Flyers – email the Chaplain if you would like something for a bulletin or newsletter.
- Presentation – email the chaplain if you would like an in-person presentation.