Circles of Support

Have you been in jail or prison?  The Circles of Support Program is here to help you by providing friends/mentors to help you on your road to a stable life.



I can unequivocally say that life today is more fulfilling and less stressful than I have ever known. Obviously, this required (and still requires) a lot of hard internal and external work, but I am incredibly grateful to my Circle of Support team for their love and encouragement along the way. My gratitude for this program knows no bounds.

-Core Member and former resident in the La Crosse County Jail


Circles of Support tries to be a positive nonjudgmental group of friends/mentors to a person who was formerly incarcerated. The circle of volunteers offer advice, help the person set and keep goals, celebrate triumphs and brainstorm to overcome obstacles. It’s a program that I love and has added to my life in many positive ways.

-Former core member and now a volunteer for a circle


I found out about Circles of Support through an acquaintance, now a friend, and have been part of this program for about a year and a half.  I have made new friends, and work with a wonderful group of caring people. I feel strongly that what we do together helps others to stay in balance and affirms their life.

-Current volunteer for a circle


Circles of Support: 

  • Matches you with 3 to 4 local volunteers from your community eager to form a supportive network of equals and neighbors.
  • Creates an environment of hope and confidence.
  • Provides for compassionate relationships.
  • Helps you to achieve your goals to live a purposeful life, live up to your potential, and become a productive citizen.
  • Offers practical advice, encourages problem solving, points to resources, and supports your goals.
  • Meets weekly in an informal setting for at least 6 months.

If you are interested in becoming a part of a circle please fill out this application.

Circles of Support application



Circles provide community support to someone recently released from prison or jail (core member) working to achieve successful transition from incarceration.  Circles are made up of 3 to 4 people who meet with the core member on a regular basis for at least six months and sometimes up to a year.  They provide encouragement, mentoring, ideas and moral support.

If you are interested in volunteering as a member of a circle fill out this application.

Circles of Support volunteer application

Questions please email:



