Families & Friends FAQ


Communication with Inmates

For full, current information on visiting, messaging, paying bail, property, dropping off items for an inmate, how to provide funds and any additional questions please go to the Sheriff’s website http://www.co.la-crosse.wi.us/sheriff/ and click the tab for jail services.


Check to see if a family member or friend is in jail

Inmate Locater: https://apps.lacrossecounty.org/InmateView/


Check on a family member's or friend's case

Wisconsin Circuit Court Access: https://wcca.wicourts.gov/


Emergency Messages

The La Crosse County Jail staff will relay emergency messages only. All emergencies are verified and must go through the chaplain or on-duty sergeant.  To make sure you get a hold of someone please call the main jail line: Jail (608)785-9630.


Gifts for Inmates

The chaplain cannot accept any gifts, books or magazines for inmates. You can though provide an inmate with an iCare gift here. www.icaregifts.com

If you would like to send money the website is www.touchpaydirect.com and the pay location code is 254601.  You can also send in a money order to Jail Administration, 333 Vine Street, La Crosse, WI 54601.


Safety Concerns Regarding an Inmate

If you have safety concerns regarding an inmate's health or welfare please call the jail at (608)785-9630.


Online Support for Families and Friends of Prisoners

Support for Friends and Family of Prisoners


Check to see if a family member or friend is in a Wisconsin State Prison

Offender Locator: https://appsdoc.wi.gov/lop/welcome


To visit or help a family member or friend in prison

DOC General Information: https://appsdoc.wi.gov/lop/welcome


General Explanations of the Justice System (these are not specific to La Crosse or Wisconsin)

Criminal Justice System Process

Juvenile Justice System_2024


Yellow clothes